Julie Robotham

Dr Robotham is the Head of Modelling and Evaluation for Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance, UKHSA. Julie has worked in the field of modelling HCAI and AMR for nearly 20 years. She leads the team of mathematical modellers and health economists at UKHSA across a portfolio of HCAI and AMR projects, collaborating widely on research both nationally and internationally. She has over 80 peer-reviewed publications in the field. Julie is experienced in modelling to inform healthcare policy, for example conducting the cost-effectiveness evaluations underpinning the national MRSA screening strategy and models informing reductions in inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in English primary care. She sits on a number of scientific advisory committees, and during the COVID-19 pandemic has been working as part of SPI-M, the modelling group advising SAGE, on transmission and control of COVID-19 in hospitals.