Training and events programmme

Our programme of events is developed and delivered by experts

  • The HIS programme of conferences, focused training courses and events has been developed by experts 
  • Events range in duration from 1-5 days and the format and content supports the professional development of infection prevention and control specialists at every stage of their career and professional level
  • Events are often free of charge for members, or offered at discounted registration rates


FIS/HIS International conference 

The biennial FIS/ HIS international conference is open to all healthcare professionals with an interest in any aspect of healthcare-­associated infection. The three-day, multi-stream conference offers presentations from world-leading experts in infection prevention and control. 


  • Duration and frequency: 3 days every other year
  • CPD approved: RCPath
  • Fees: TBC

Don’t panic!

The annual Don’t panic! conference takes a practical approach to current infection control issues and will be of interest to microbiologists, infection control practitioners, public health staff and biomedical scientists working in this area.


  • Duration and frequency: 1 day every year  
  • CPD approved: RCPath
  • Fees: from £75

Spring meeting

Our annual Spring meetings are focused on topical issues relating to infection prevention and control. The meetings offer opportunity for poster and oral presentations and are open to anyone with an interest in any aspect of healthcare-associated infection.


  • Duration and frequency: 1 day every year  
  • CPD approved: RCPath
  • Fees: from £75

Trainee education programme

Our Trainee education days are aimed specifically at medical microbiology, medical virology and infectious diseases trainees, and are aligned to their curricula. The programme comprises of a series of three one-day training sessions per year, over a three-year period.


  • Duration and frequency: 3 x 1 day events every year  
  • CPD approved: no
  • Fees: Free for Trainee members

Engineering aspects of infection control

These residential courses are run twice a year and explore those aspects of infection prevention and control where engineering criteria are a vital component.


  • Duration and frequency: 2 x 5 day courses per year
  • CPD approved: RCPath
  • Fees: from £1,650

DIPC network and development programme

The DIPC Development Days are aimed at current or aspiring DIPCs and Deputy DIPCs, or those in a similar role. They offer an opportunity for microbiologists and non microbiologists to network and share best practice and knowledge. The programme comprises of a series of two one-day development days per year, over a three-year period.


  • Duration and frequency: 2 x 1 day events every year  
  • CPD approved: RCPath
  • Fees: TBC

HIS/UKHSA Foundation course in infection prevention and control

HIS and UKHSA are currently redeveloping the traditional 5-day Foundation Course for Autumn 2023.  The new course will be delivered as 5 modules in a blended learning format (which will include live Q&A/workshop elements and online assessments) within a new online e-Learning platform.


  • Duration and frequency: 5 module course every year  
  • CPD approved: RCPath
  • Fees:

    HIS members: £600

    Non-members: £750

Outbreaks training course


This course is suitable for senior members of infection control teams, who are currently working in, or planning to move into, a role leading HCAI outbreak management. The course is aimed principally towards combined infection trainees, medical microbiology, virology and infectious diseases trainees, clinical scientists registered on a HSST programme and senior infection control nurses. To attend the course, you must be a HIS member.  The aim of the course is to develop understanding and key practical skills in a structured management response to outbreak investigation.


  • Duration and frequency: 3 x 1 day events a year
  • Fees: from £75