Associate trainee membership is open to:
- UK and Republic of Ireland medical students for the duration of their undergraduate course, and Foundation level doctors, who have an interest in/working in the field of hospital and other healthcare-associated infection.
- In the UK, those in Core medical training/IMT/ACCS who have an interest in/working in the field of hospital and other healthcare-associated infection.
- In the Republic of Ireland, those in post medical student intern year or BST who have an interest in/working in the field of hospital and other healthcare-associated infection.
- In the UK, those in Locum appointment for Service and Locum appointment for Training posts in microbiology, virology or infectious diseases
- UK and Ireland based PhD students who are studying in the field of hospital and other healthcare-associated infection
- UK and Ireland based STPs who are working/studying in the field of hospital and other healthcare-associated infection
An Associate trainee member will receive free membership.
Once Associate trainee members enter Core medical training/IMT/ACCS/BST (RoI) they may be eligible for Trainee membership at the discretion of Council, if they can demonstrate a suitable commitment to infection prevention and control. Once registered on a recognised programme of specialty training in the field of microbiology, virology, infectious diseases or undertaking dual training, Associate trainee members are automatically eligible to move into Trainee membership.
All membership applications will be at the discretion of Council.
Benefits of Associate trainee membership
- Opportunity to apply for one of a limited number of travel grants (maximum 3 grants awarded in total per year) to attend FIS or FIS/HIS conferences or an elective placement
- Opportunity to apply for a limited number of Associate trainee member places at the Trainee education days, plus a trainee travel bursary of up to £50 to support attendance
- Opportunity to attend special trainee member networking events at FIS and FIS/HIS conferences
- FREE or reduced registration fees for attendance at conferences, training events and courses
- Regular Trainee member email updates regarding HIS activities and initiatives specifically for trainees
- Access to members’ only resources, including past conference presentations and member only consultations
Associate trainee membership is free.